Where to work in the automotive industry?
While working in the garage is the most common employment opportunities for people fascinated with the automotive industry, it is certainly not the only option that we can choose where we want to take up employment in this industry. Very interesting, though perhaps sometimes quite tedious task for people interested in the subject is the position of consultant in showrooms respective car brands. You have to admit, however, that in order to obtain employment in a place like this should have appropriate knowledge and skills, especially in dealing with customers. Many options of employment also provides production vehicles of different types or auto parts. Employment in this place very often involves simple tasks.
Handwritten improving car
Much of the information on how to quickly and easily improve the car, gives us the Internet. More and more often, to perform apparently really difficult operations, we do not need any complicated instrumentation, and a lot of ideas not have thought even if it was not a hint from the creators of such creative advice. Interestingly, many of them takes the form of instructional cutscene, making their own eyes, we can see that the presented method regarding clean inaccessible surface or mount useful gadget. Certainly it will convince many a wary viewer that such solutions really apply.
Otto cycle
Diesel cycle
Main article: Diesel cycle
P-v Diagram for the Ideal Diesel cycle. The cycle follows the numbers 1?4 in clockwise direction.
Most truck and automotive diesel engines use a cycle reminiscent of a four-stroke cycle, but with a compression heating ignition system, rather than needing a separate ignition system. This variation is called the diesel cycle. In the diesel cycle, diesel fuel is injected directly into the cylinder so that combustion occurs at constant pressure, as the piston moves.
Otto cycle: Otto cycle is the typical cycle for most of the cars internal combustion engines, that work using gasoline as a fuel. Otto cycle is exactly the same one that was described for the four-stroke engine. It consists of the same four major steps: Intake, compression, ignition and exhaust.
PV diagram for Otto cycle On the PV-diagram, 1?2: Intake: suction stroke 2?3: Isentropic Compression stroke 3?4: Heat addition stroke 4?5: Exhaust stroke (Isentropic expansion) 5?2: Heat rejection The distance between points 1?2 is the stroke of the engine. By dividing V2/V1, we get: r, where r is called the compression ratio of the engine.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_combustion_engine